Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Curiously, my mother somehow believes that when you buy, repackage, and freeze meat, that along with an annotation as to what is in the white paper, ie, CHUCK ROAST, it is also imperitive to delineate the meat with and adjective. Hence, GOOD! I am left to ponder, would she ever buy a roast that isn't good? And if she did, would she be so bold as to set it apart in her freezer with a different maybe MEDIOCRE? Or just plain NASTY ASS CHUCK ROAST?

Maybe its just me, but if I am going to the store and paying for a roast, its pretty much always gonna be a good one. At least raw...(I have been known to turn a perfectly wonderful piece of beef into rawhide with little or no effort!) But in the buying stage...I'm all about getting a good piece of meat.

So, I asked my mom, "Mom, " I said, "You have written on this roast "GOOD," why would you need to write that? Don't you always buy good meat?" To which she responded: "Well, no honey, not always, this is a roast I would buy and serve to guests, but I buy "piecey" meat alot for your dad and I. Your dad really doesn't even notice."

For some inexplicable reason that makes me laugh. Not just a little bit, but HARD!
My poor dad is sitting over in Lapeer, eating "piecey" meat, aka: SHITTY ASS FATTY TOUGH ROASTS, while I am over here in Flushing feeding my kids (who are not company) GOOD CHUCK ROAST!

The funnier thing about that is, my kids came in and smelled the roast cooking and asked if I was serving POOP! Yes darlings, but take heart, its GOOD POOP!

Next time I make it, I think I'll invite my dad over for dinner.....he's company here!


heather b said...

I am just seriously laughing so hard right now....My mother is EXACTLY the same way.......

Beth said...

That is so funny. I heard the story and I read it and still laughed!! Thanks for all the laughter!!

pwdrd donuts said...

I must now link you. That is the funniest thing I've heard in a long while.

Jen said...

That is the funniest post I've read in a long, long time.

Kay Day said...

I bought what I thought was a "good " roast. It was the price of an "excellent" roast. But the dang thing ended up being half fat once it was cooked!

You are very funny. This post is really funny. You definitely need to invite your daddy for dinner!

heather b said...

o.k....I read this again and am still laughing....I think I will print this off and put it in my purse for happy happy joy moments.

the laundress said...

omg...I am totally not tryin to laugh at my own experiences...but honestly, this stuff of my moms makes me laugh sister in law read this recap tonight and we both shrieked with laughter at my mom.....(it must be the MOM correlation that makes us laugh because we are sooooo not like that, dont you think?