Friday, April 11, 2008


Things were going along just fine...
There I was on the treadmill...2/2..
...and then I noticed the paint!
Blueish paint on my workout pants.
Not from my house...

And then it hit me again..
When I least expected it..
In the place where I can usually forget about that
....and right there on the damn treadmill I burst into fricken tears!

What has happened to me?
Where is the me I used to be and know?
This is not who I am.

Its just paint.
From a weekend I just wish I could forget...
along with everything else I wish I could block out!
....and that isnt even the truth...what I really wish...
well, thats not gonna instead...

I did what normal women do when they are running from emotions
I went shopping for new workout clothes
Really, I needed them, putting in at least 5 nights a week now!
....the upside of heartbreak...

Oh yeah...I got a bookcase too! ahahahhahahahahhaha that I'm off the hook with Target! ahahhahahahhahhahah


Beth said...

Paint, maybe thats what you need to do. It helps I'm telling you. Pick a room. I'll help.

the laundress said...

yeah...just not "that" paint!

and i'm going soon as next week is over with!

Krista said...

you can't paint without me....what about me?! it's all about me!!

beth, she needs her room done....she needs a quiet retreat for her private time


heather b said...

Now that's the spirit! Target therapy!! I had a little of that myself this week! Nothing like those orange tags to pull you out of the depths!

the laundress said...

I only with I could say my tags were orange...straight up full price on everything...but I look great in my new work out stuff....

too bad the median age at the Y during the day is 65...

and Krista...all I have to say to you is this: Is that a FACE PRINT on ur mirror?