Friday, January 4, 2008


November 21, 2007 - Wednesday

Sitting here anticipating the upcoming holiday (or with lack of anticipation), it slowly dawned on me that I have some baggage.

I'm not unpacking it all here of course, because along with it is also the uncanny ability to bluff my way around recognizing or admitting it. Most of the time I love that quality about myself, but currently, I am realizing that sometimes you need to unpack...sort through, throw out, bundle off to goodwill, and somethings just get repacked. Thats ok. But in the process of unpacking I also unearth some amazing Thanksgiving memories.....

l. Growing up and having 30-40 of our closest family every Thanksgiving...and my cousins...a family with FIVE kids, that were always laughing and having a great time...even though their mom made them wear dresses and bow ties!
2. My mom set the table the week before---seriously 7 days, and covered it in plastic wrap!
3. Making the relish tray was my job!
4. Thanksgiving with my brother and his family in the yellow house.
5. Macaroni salad and eclair cake.
6. Grandma Smith and the mongloloids...ahahhahahah!
7. Shopping with DB at 430 in Lansing with walkie talkies and pop tarts.

So, baggage or not...I am thankful this year. I may be wishing that I could be spending the day differently but i am thankful for my family, friends, memories and even the baggage....but especially for the newness that each day is bringing...the things that make me scared, thankful and that are pushing me to unpack the bags