Friday, January 4, 2008

Today I'm Choosing

November 13, 2007 - Tuesday

Sitting here I am reminded of several things. First that even when I forget that He has a plan for me, He hasnt forgotten, Secondly, That His grace is enough.

So, why is it that I can know those two truths, and still question, worry, complain, freak out or turn my back on Him. I was reminded this morning that to do all of those things is so incredibly life robs me of joy, it can consume my every thought, and distract me from all that is truly important. I was reminded that the journey is a choice for us.....and that being distracted from it only spoils all that He has for me. Trusting and following are sometimes a moment to moment deal.....and when I let my heart and mind distract me, I can become someone that I don't like....but fortunately He still loves.

And knowing all of that....why do I let myself be distracted!
Today im choosing.....and its hard....I think thats part of His plan too...if choosing to be all that He wants us to be was easy....when would be be stretched, challenged, or broken.....thats when His change in us is evidenced.....thats where I want to be. I think!