While we wait for the next step in the diagnosis process with Thing #l, it has become everyones favorite pastime to give their advice, tell their own stories of similar issues, ask questions and then proclaim their own diagnosis. I started to think yesterday that maybe I should make up one of those "buy a square" things that everyone does for the Superbowl...you know, a raffle of sorts!
This morning as Thing #5 was sitting at the counter smacking his bagel and slurping down his peach juice, he started to ask some questions about Thing #l. He was totally serious. His brow kind of furrowed as he listened to my responses...nodding his head as he took it all in. This is how it went.
Noah: Is this blood coming from the place it always does?
Me: Ummm...well, its in her poop...people don't usually have blood there.
Noah: Oh, so she doesn't need all those sticks and diapers she always uses?
(In a house of 5 women, Noah thinks Thing #1 is the only one who uses the feminine products, LMBO...and we let him believe it)
Me: Nope.
Noah: (After long pause with more smacking on bagel) Well, she eats a lot of sugar...its probably that. That isn't good for you. She had 5 pieces of birthday cake at the party! (long pause)
Even though shes a "good sized girl", that's still too much sugar.
A good sized girl! He didn't mean that like it sounded, but I laughed really hard. Not that Thing #1 would think that was funny, what 17 year old wants to be called a "good sized girl" LOL! And the funny thing....she thinks she is. She is loving the whole liquid diet for 2 days, if only for its potential to drop 5 lbs.
When she gets up to "go" again in the next five minutes, I'm going to assure her that her 6 year old brother had become a diagnostician and proclaimed that all her issues are due to "too much sugar!" I think I'll leave out the rest of the convo until she's back on solid foods....she's getting a little testy from lack of food.....probably some sugar withdrawals too!
This morning as Thing #5 was sitting at the counter smacking his bagel and slurping down his peach juice, he started to ask some questions about Thing #l. He was totally serious. His brow kind of furrowed as he listened to my responses...nodding his head as he took it all in. This is how it went.
Noah: Is this blood coming from the place it always does?
Me: Ummm...well, its in her poop...people don't usually have blood there.
Noah: Oh, so she doesn't need all those sticks and diapers she always uses?
(In a house of 5 women, Noah thinks Thing #1 is the only one who uses the feminine products, LMBO...and we let him believe it)
Me: Nope.
Noah: (After long pause with more smacking on bagel) Well, she eats a lot of sugar...its probably that. That isn't good for you. She had 5 pieces of birthday cake at the party! (long pause)
Even though shes a "good sized girl", that's still too much sugar.
A good sized girl! He didn't mean that like it sounded, but I laughed really hard. Not that Thing #1 would think that was funny, what 17 year old wants to be called a "good sized girl" LOL! And the funny thing....she thinks she is. She is loving the whole liquid diet for 2 days, if only for its potential to drop 5 lbs.
When she gets up to "go" again in the next five minutes, I'm going to assure her that her 6 year old brother had become a diagnostician and proclaimed that all her issues are due to "too much sugar!" I think I'll leave out the rest of the convo until she's back on solid foods....she's getting a little testy from lack of food.....probably some sugar withdrawals too!
This was so funny!!I love how your family makes the best of the waiting process with a little laughter!! Tell Thing #1 I love her and when she's done with all these tests there is some Blue Moon with her name on it!! And finally a picture of that little cuttie Thing #5!
To much sugar!!lol Or maybe to much coolwhip!!!
o.k....this is hilarious and those are some GORGEOUS Things. Still hoping, still praying....
i have no doubt sav's digging the liquid diet.....praying all goes well and we find out she's an old man who can't eat popcorn and nuts. ;)
i cant wait to see you ALL again soon! there's a barstool at your counter that's gonna have my buttprint on it.
love you.
Hey Krista, Katie and I along with photoshop junkie all berated Beth for not having a link list....I think its time for you to have one too. THis is getting all to time consuming having to click click click around......do you agree girls?? (and Matt?) Its time little miss laundry doer gets with the program.....
sorry; TOO time consuming.....I wish you could edit your comments...instead you have to annoyingly leave the corrections on another comment...
ill get right on that as soon as Thing #l gets the probe out of her arse and Thing # 3's fever drops below 103.....ahahhahahahaha
...i'm gonna have to have the BFF do that for me....just ask Beth..i suck at that!
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