Today I got my official financial aid confirmation for my spring/summer terms.
For the bargain basement price of $1947.00 I have discovered that I am SANGUINE!
SANGUINE: hopeful, cheerful, buoyant, optimistic and sunny.
I also have a healthy dose of not wanting to be apart of anything that isn't FUN.
Hmmmm...I paid $1947.00 to discover some things that I already know quite clearly about myself. My top four personality traits in the first test:
Interpersonal: values the ability to develop and maintain relationships between people
Trusting: Willing to rely upon and believe in the integrity of others, always assuming a positive outcome. (that's panned out well in recent months...ahaha)
Intuitive: Knowing something without consciously thinking it out, sensing how others feel without being told.(again...ditto)
Emotional: Feeling things deeply!
For the bargain basement price! I could have told anyone these things about myself for free...actually, I am pretty sure I have...especially #2...I'm pretty sure that's code for POLLYANNA! And interpersonal...duh! Intuitive? seriously, this one I always second guess...most recently this cost me much/combined with #2....can be DEVASTATING! (fool)
Emotional, well this one would have been a surprise 6 months ago...but now...not so much.....
I know these things about me...and sometimes I don't love these things. Sometimes I wish for just one moment I could be idk...maybe Phlegmatic: languid, lethargic, listless, indifferent, and passive. I.E. Organized, Planned, detailed....those things seem less......well, just less. Less likely to feel, less likely to be disappointed, less likely to be let down.
They are also less likely to be engaged in the lives of people who matter. Not just people who matter to me...but people who matter to God. While sometimes I don't like these things about me...they are things that make me who I am, and that God can use to help other people (people who matter to HIM) Sometimes I have to remember that what is comfortable to me, what is fun for me, isn't always what He wants from me. Sometimes He wants me to be uncomfortable, to be emotional for and with other people, to believe the best in them, especially when they aren't believing that for themselves. Sometimes He wants me to build or maintain a friendship not because of who the person is, but because of what I sense they are feeling or experiencing.
For the bargain basement price of $1947.00 I am learning to accept how God wired me. Learning to embrace the qualities that I wish were different. And trying not to regret the times I haven't paid attention, or when I have trusted too much....
My friend learned she was an otter or $125.00....and some other disappointing news, (lmao), so currently I'm feeling a little like I should have clipped a coupon...but alas...there are still 6 more surveys to go in my class...who knows what else may be revealed? For that price....I fricken better be the long lost daughter of one of the Kennedy's....
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Posted by the laundress at 8:03 PM
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so when do you take the beaver test?
btw: i'm glad your sanguine. i'm glad you are just you....exactly the way you are. (well maybe you could lay off the big words around me) ahahahhahah
i think the third week...but seriously...if you had a low scoring beaver, what are my chances.ahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahasnrorthfaahhaha
You could lay off the big words around me as well!!ahahahah
I've never met you but would have told you for $20.00 that you're a Sanguine. I like Sanguines. I'm one too. So is Beth. It is possible to get together, one Sanguine with another, and accomplish absolutely nothing of any significance for quite some time.
The other day I arrived at work at 7:30am for our big staff meeting. Well, I'm a morning person even if I don't get a lot of sleep. Anyay, I was listening to my ipod on the way to work and was seriously rocking out to some Switchfoot. So i pull into my parking spot, get out of my car and see several people lumbering toward the offices (probably phlegmatics or melancholys) so I just started yelling, to anyone who would listen, "I CAN'T HEAR YOU GUYS CAUSE I'VE GOT MY HEADPHONES ON! I CAN'T HEAR YOU CAUSE THE MUSIC IS SO LOUD!!!"
Ahhhh...that was fun. I did get a couple smiles and one, "Matt, you must be a Sanguine," from our teaching pastor. Smart guy.
I think I may just decide to turn this "comment" into a blog; whadyathink?
Heather is a melancholy. Did you know that? I used to think that was bad til I realized they're about the smartest people in the whole wide world. She is. Just needs a little shot of sunshine once in a while. And she LOVES the movie "Pollyanna."
My youngest daughter is just like her mom. A few weeks ago I was praying with them before bed (cause I'm a freakin' amazing dad) and we were praying for this girl who'd been trying to get pregnant for quite a while (and she now is) and my oldest was praying and said, "...and God, just help Sarah to know that if she believes in herself, all her dreams will come true! A-men." Okay, so in the moment of silence right after her "Amen" my youngest said, "No they can't" Nice Ev.
Me: "Yes they can, Evalee."
Her: "Well, just because they can, doesn't mean they will...right?
Me: "Well...God can do it."
Her: "Right, but he might not."
Okay, so I was like, "C'mon child, what is wrong with you."
When I came down stairs and told Heather this, she said proudly, "That's my girl."
Yes we need the melancholys, don't we? They need more caffeine though.
I don't know if its the entire bottle of Clos du Bois that I have ingested tonight, or how Jupiter is aligned with Mars, but the very idea of 3 Sanguines in a room together, or better yet, promenading around a pool, is just...well...kinda emotional for me...AND I AM FREAKING SERIOUS...just reading your comment/mini diatribe...made me all teary....but at the same time I was what you said and at myself...the ulitimate JOY and flux of being Sanquine!
(between you and me...I am a borderline Phlegmatic...almost 50/50 with Sanquine)
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