Thing 1 is going to be graduating soon...I will miss her desperately.
Thing 2 is taking a lifeguarding class...she is determined and headstrong...and I sometimes envy her fierce determination.
Thing 3 is a freak of nature. I have no idea how she came from either of her parents. She could manage a small nation and still have fun.
Thing 4 is a force to be reckoned with on the basketball court...again...I wonder how that came to be...but I am am so proud of her.
Thing 5 desperately wants a boy/man to live with us. Mostly to side with him against ... "THE SISTERS." If that didn't break my heart, I would laugh at his label for them.
Your "things" make a great family! I know your shocked I'm commenting. Aren't you proud?
oh yeah!!
you posted a real picture!!
love you and your things.
BAH121768...I am stupified that you commented...I told someone I give you a week and your blog will be up and running!
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