Monday, March 31, 2008

...its all about the 2nd question

Tonight another question brews in my mind. Some two weeks ago, I prayed for clear direction...clear vision...doors to be closed that should be, opened where they should be....and today I prayed much the same prayer.

Something happened on both occasions. But each time I am left with the certainty that the clarity in my heart is somehow the right door. I have firm belief that what I feel in my heart, and also know in my head are true....the conundrum is...there is someone else whose heart and mind are confused, or at the very least unclear. At one point tonight...I clearly saw an entire future.....

So my question is, what is that about? Is it just my mind and heart seeing something I long to be a reality, or is it actually my mind and heart knowing and someone else is just not getting it? I know I never want to force or coerce someone else into something God is not leading in...but seriously....does He ever lead two people in opposite directions? That doesnt seem like the God of no confusion....Why am I not confused? Why can't I be as certain as the other person that this is the right would be so much easier if I felt like we were on the same page..

This is exactly the time I wish God used e-mail or at the very least some kind of blog comment to let me know how to feel, how to react, what to hope for and believe and trust in....besides Him...that is the one thing He has been clear on...He has to be enough for me....

He already knows this, so I'm putting it in print just for the sheer principle of being honest....I want Him and the real life person....2nd question. Is that wrong?