Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Currently I'm feeling quite full of questions, and sadly empty of any answers. Which has led me to wonder, have I always felt like I needed to have an answer. Have I put off asking things of myself until I knew what the answer would be? Then I realized.....and actually laughed at myself....I have never been a big one for asking questions, especially of myself. I don't really know when this "feature" in me has changed, and I also don't really know if I like it.

I was much more comfortable with the person who was certain of alot of things, and the things that I wasn't certain of, I was ok with not knowing. It has often been very easy for me to tell myself and others that even if we don't know the "why" of things, some things we don't need to know. Sometimes it really feels like not knowing is just NOT ok with me anymore. I want to know. I wish I had more answers than questions, for me and the people I love most.

So this is bugging me. If I didn't question very much before, why now? Was I more shallow then, or am I too self-absorbed now? Is looking for answers worth it, if I don't like them when I find them?

Just a few things on my mind tonight.


Krista said...

mary anne, seems my two dear friends are writing about questions....i'm going to make a new blog.....all about the answers!
hahahahahaaha....i made myself laugh at that!
love you.

Carin said...

Thinking about you.

I love you.