Tuesday, June 3, 2008


These days my dear friends are leaving in flocks. This going away party was sooo sorely lacking one dear friend in particular, that some of us just went ahead and pretended like she was there. First, Zac wanted to talk and laugh about all his old memories from his "manny" job last summer. Then Darrel just wanted to explain (once again) why she couldn't go "staff lunch". Anne and I just were pissed off that she left and wanted to glower and plead with her to come back. Anne thought she might just be ticked off and ignore her. Dave and Darrel just wanted one parting picture of the "dream team", the three amigos....and Anne and I realized we just wished she was sitting there hanging out and laughing with us. We mused on this day, where was are friend now? What was she doing while we were missing her. And then we found out........ she the dream in her "quick set" the DIRTY SOUTH!!!


Krista said...

i hate you, and love you at the same time. that's right the dream! everyone ought to get themselves one of them there rubber pools.

funny, you've changed your password.

once i realized what everyone was doing in the mosaic....well i blubbered like an IDIOT.

Krista said...

and as a sidenote: why does zack have his arm around me?

and darrel's drinking from the red cups now?

what the hell is going on up there? things really are changing.....ahahhahahahahhaa

Our Family said...

oh i get it now.

that is so cute!!

can you do that for me at beth's pool????

Our Family said...

except make me skinnier!

Beth said...

This is so very funny my favorite one is the dream team!!! I love all the posed pictures probably made just for your blog....

Krista you look great once again...I think I'm going to buy you some Donna's Donuts while your here or just make you stay a few days at my house with all the crap John buys.....I think you need a little muffin top if your going to fit in around here!

Beth said...

Oh by the way Katie just buy a plan ticket for yourself and come out here alone!! That would be cheaper and aren't your kids old enough to stay by themselves?

heather b said...

o.k....lmbo!!! THis is hilarious. I love how everyone is posing. And oh my gosh that is such an arkansas pool lounger. High class jankety jank baby.

Tyler Harvey said...

Carolyn I'm saddened at the fact that there is no picture of me in this post...I'm ironically the best looking, yet forgotten Harvey.