Monday, June 16, 2008

Head in Ass

WARNING: If you are prone to excessive worrying and hand no further...if you are a judgemental and pious finger no further...if you need to feel better about your little bout of forgetfulness like say perhaps, you forgot to take the garbage out last night instead of this morning...then read will feel much better about yourself!

When my dad comes over to my house, occasionally he finds some thing or another that I have forgotten to do, or misplaced or neglected. On these occasions he feels compelled to say as he shakes his head in scorn and dismay..." need to get ur head outta your ASS."

As today has unfolded, I have found myself saying it to myself....the rub there is, that currently my head is so far stuffed up my ass that I am unable to hear anything but a muffled "wha, wha, whah, wha..." much like the peanuts adults.

Item l. Got up and went to class, only to discover that I had not read the syllabus correctly. No class today!
Item 2. Went to financial aid office, discovered that I need to turn in some pertinent information by Wed. to receive the financial aid.
Item 3. Went to consult with the 5-O only to discover that my PPO had expired...NICE! Just when I need it!
Item 4. Realized that I had neglected to order food for open house from the caterer...then promptly forgot again!
Item 5. Called to reconfirm tent rental...and realized that I had all the information EXCEPT who the EFF I rented it from....and no one remembers talking to me...
....and no one has tents left! MAJOR HEAD IN ASS!
Item 6. Received follow up mail about two important matters..l. My 2007 tax audit that I forgot to send verification information about...delaying my 521 dollar refund even longer. 2. Misplaced financial verification in another area, thereby making me unacceptable as a person in general!
Item 7. Didn't drag yard waste to curb...and now it will be yard ornamentation for the tent less, food-sparse open house.
Item 8. Ran into two people while out who did not receive invitations to said sparse and hot, shade free open house...who were distinctly miffed and did not seem to believe or accept my heartfelt apologies...and encouragement to just come anyway!

It is now 6:22. I want to go to bed. I haven't fed my family. I need to keep cleaning. I want to run away. I need to finish homework. I need some kind of grease or oil to unwedge this melon that is so far ensconced in my ass that I cannot for the life of me seem to get it out!


heather b said...

oh man....this seriously sucks. Just think, in seven short days this will all be behind you and you will be lovin life with your BFF. Sorry about your crazy day...I've had a lot of those and they really make you so speechlessly frustrated.

Our Family said...

dang...sorry. i have stuff that would help "give you a boost" but it wouldn't make it there in time for saturday.

i'll just pray instead.

ask the neighbors to host your garbage for a day...or send it to beth's....hahahah.

Beth said...

Thanks Katie......I could help out with the garbage......I could make some food.....sorry about the tent maybe it will just show up. You could just come get in the hot tub and forget about it for awhile.

Anonymous said...

My head is so far up my ass every single day of my life. I've just learned to accept it... maybe I could benefit from some oil or lubricant to wedge it out. Good idea!! BTW... absolutely love those names for your favorite blogs. Shawty & Bootylicious Beth caught my attention quick and put a big smile on my face. Funny!! ~Jill :)

Carin said...

thanks for making me laugh...and for the self-esteem boost..haha.

everything will work out...I know I always say that, but it really is true.

wish I could be there to rig up a tent or something. (wheels are already turning, ha!)

love you.

Kel said...

this may have happened at a different time, but you also forgot about child #3 on a certain occasion