Friday, July 11, 2008


Tonight I had the joy and sheer privilege to sit at my counter and lounge on the couches with these two amigos.....
Watching them interact and listening to them I was completely taken in by the similarities in their relationship to the one I have with my BFF. The littlest one is my BFF's son...he's 5. Mine is 7. They are bon hommes! Chums. Pals. Buddies.

They also know a lot about swear words. The also like to share their knowledge with others, especially grown ups who, struggle to maintain calm demeanors as they "couch" their knowledge in just such a way so as to not to get their mouths washed out with soap. Nolan proclaimed at the counter tonight..."in my town there's a road...Dam Neck...(and then he grabbed his little neck with 5 year old pudgy hands and grimaced) and said..Oh, my damn neck!" Then he stuffed in a huge bite of pizza to hide is smile! My response? Oh, yeah, that's not a good word. Then Noah said, "hey, does your grandma say the S word? " Nolan just stared and said, (while still munching his pizza), "you mean like Holy bleeeep? That S word?" Noah: "I think so, do you spell it S-H...." at which point I felt obligated to step in and try and steer to conversation in another direction. (and I am left to wonder which one of their grandmas use that word). Which somehow lead to H-E-L-L....which, segued into....the mother of all swear words.... S-U-C-K! (I was only too relieved to hear that this was the "biggie".

Eventually they got back to topics that I was far more comfortable with....although honestly, Godzilla, and Mothra, and King Hedora didn't make me laugh inside as hard....and then we were off to look for the above mentioned monsters at the video store.

They are nestled in the chair, with trucks in their hands, running commentary through the whole movie....and it has started to hit me that these days with our BFF's are numbered. We are into the final week....I don't want the boys to realize this now...I want them to think that days and nights and conversations like the ones above will happen forever....I want to think that too! Tonight I'm going to pretend like they are!


Beth said...

I can't believe no one has commented on these two cuties!! I remember when I was little I loved to swear and sometimes I still kind of feel cool when I do it!