Thursday, August 14, 2008

Vacation Letdown

I am feeling a wee bit blue tonight. After the BFF asked, I realized that much of my emotion is post awesome vacation let down. Then I realized that I hadn't really relived the vacation like I normally do. Perusing pics, laughing at the days events, feeling it all over again. Isn't that what great vacations make you do...want to re-live them...and possibly not ever leave them?

Looking through the pics I laughed hard at the memory of Noah mouwing through the salt and vinegar chips while his sisters slept unaware. (I didn't realized that my headphones could double as a "headgear" in the event he ever needs one). Elsa spent much of the week practicing the fine art of barrel walking....and Olivia practiced being a constant 'big foot" sighting in every ones pics!
One of the highlights of the week for my kids at least, was the rock jumping. They had no fear..which is scary...and I was lucky enough to get a shot of the oldest and youngest jumpers of the day launching off together! (Kevin and 5 year old Noah). We did all kinds of new stuff for Michigan folk...river swimming, trail hiking, train track walking...complete with killer bee swarm and sting fest for Noah and I....but I got a great shot of the tracks...that's what counts! It was so fun and relaxing just to hang out at Kevin's with the kids, talking and playing in the yard and jumping bikes in the driveway. I was fortunate to capture a rare photo of Captain Underpants as well...oddly, he looks strangely like Kevin's son Sean! It was a great week that flew by all too fast. I wish we were all cramming into a living room tonight to watch a great movie together with brownies and ice cream and ALL the toppings! Now that I really think about it, my BFF was totally right. I am feeling a lot of vacation let down....mixed with a little bit of wishful thinking about life being very different....and filled with lots more pictures like the one below!


Anonymous said...

Try not to be let down, you guys had a great time and I'm sure will have many more. You are making new memories for you and your children. I am happy for you.

Beth said...

I want to start out by made an error in your post (I didn't realize....)that is what you meant to say! I didn't think I would ever be able to do that to you......that felt good!!!!!

Those pictures are great guys look like you are having a blast! Just hang on to that for now! The awesome time you had!

Please don't start pointing out my errors on your comments....try to remember this was once in a life time for me!!!!!

Krista said...

.....hey know what would make that vacation even better? my family with you guys. hahahaha. glad you finally posted some pics. made me think of boyne city last year. missing you.