Saturday, August 30, 2008

Here in the aftermath....

There are not many days in this life when we are allowed the privilege to experience (whether we want to or not), every emotion, flashback memory, or glimpse into the future that our limited human forms are capable of experiencing.

Move in day for your first child in college is one of those days.

Today was my day to experience it. Actually not just mine, it was our whole family's day to experience. All of us. Seven. Even though we don't live as a family of seven now, for this brief time, there was respite from the drama that divorce and all of its ugliness brings, and we moved Princess into college together. I say together, but actually, Noah and Elsa said their good-byes today it was just Princess (Thing one), Fiona, Olivia and Mark and I. Plus two car loads of "stuff", college necessities and the like. Of course it was us and about 500 other students and parents with dollies and flatbeds and futons and mini-fridges and long lines and one incredibly slow moving elevator!
But that's a side issue.

What I feel compelled to say now is how it felt. How surreal it all seemed to me, and I think to everyone else too. It started last night for me when her two best friends came home from their respective colleges for the weekend and spent the night here playing board games, laughing too loud and talking about incredibly inappropriate things. I wanted so badly to sit at the table and counter with laugh and feed them...but every time I tried to come downstairs I was overcome with emotion. I couldn't hold it back, and since they are ruthless, I was certain I would be harassed mercilessly by them. (They have learned the fine art of that from me, hence my certainty). So instead I laid in bed listening, laughing, and crying....and remembering lots of other nights like it. Then this morning we were up and showering and everything was in the living room....I felt like I should be making a big breakfast, some kind of grand gesture send off...but I also felt totally paralyzed to mark this as an occasion. (Some might call this DENIAL). Instead we waited for Mark to arrive to pick up some of the gear, and we loaded up the cars and drove south. I rode with Princess. Even the task of driving seemed daunting to me. I just wanted to soak up the journey. I wanted to have a meaningful conversation, to say things that she would remember and cherish. I wanted to tell her how proud I am of her and how much I love her. How excited I am for her, and how much I will miss her.

I didn't. Every time I started to formulate the words, they just stuck. In my throat and in my mind. I need more time. That was something I kept thinking today. I need more time to teach her, to help her, to invest in her. But the time is up. The hourglass is empty on that one.

I am left to wonder if I said enough. If I taught her the right things. If she will make good choices because she will remember how to evaluate situations. I wonder if she will remember Who loves her more than we do, and that He is with her always. I wonder if she will miss life here, even though she will be loving the life of freedom somewhere else. (And even if she does, I pray she won't want to move back).

The actual leaving was difficult. She told us we could go..that she would be ok to finish up....and then we each had to say good bye. Each of us had to hug her, and one by one we all crumbled. The four of us leaving and walking away, even though every step seemed wrong...Olivia described it best. She said " I feel like we just left a puppy in a box by the side of the road and drove off." At our cars, Mark reminded me that this is what we have been working for from the time she was born. That we have prepared her the best that we can....and that this is how it is supposed to be....even though it doesn't feel like it. (This is hard for me to admit, but I know he is right!) lol.....

Sitting here tonight with Fiona and Olivia...and the letters that princess left for each one of us on our beds....well, its hard. Really hard. Now is the time I truly have to let her go, to trust that He is there with her, and also here with us. Here in the aftermath of college move in day.


Krista said...

sending my love to ALL of you.
i love you friend.

Anonymous said...

Crying, crying, crying...I don't know what its is like sending a child off to college yet, but I kind of feel that way about Kendall going to kindergarten. I know it is not the same and I don't want you to think that I think it is. You are a great mother and Sav will do great and make great decisions.

Our Family said...

how could you even write that? i could hardly read it. i hate how there are plans to memorialize a certain moment, but you just can't. no big breakfast, etc. the heaviness of the situation...ugh.

heather b said...

I have actually been avoiding reading this the past several mornings. I just couldn't bring myself to it cuz I know it will be all of us soon.

Hoping that this transition will be good for everyone....

praying for you from Indiana....

Nikki said...

We don't know each other, but we attend the same church. Olivia babysat for my kids once a long time ago. I came across your blog. I can't sleep (it's 5am)because I am riddled with anxiety about sending my daughter to kindergarten in 3 1/2 hours. That sounds so silly considering your feelings about sending your beloved off to college. I cried like a baby reading your post. I feel that I'm going to put Grace on the school bus and she is going to graduate tomorrow. The time goes so fast doesn't it? I really didn't like that very much when I was pregnant for her and people would say things like that. Now I am saying and it is so true. This is sad, but my husband and I sat up late watching the video of her birth lol! Writing that I am now laughing. I've listened to your girls' sing in church and have watched Olivia perform skits. They are so talented!! They are sweet, nice girls. You can see your love and devotion to your kids, in them. They shine.

Beth said...

I couldn't write anything at first because I was crying to hard in my coffee.....I had to get a new cup. You should be so proud of her she will remember all you have taught her.....she will make mistakes but you will continue to be there to help her along the way! You are a great mom! I'm glad you go through these things a little ahead of me so you can pave the way! If you guys get lonely over there we are always here!

Carin said...

joining the cryers...

ugh...don't know how you managed to put this into words, but you couldn't not have done any better than you did.

I could so picture you coming down the stairs, trying to laugh and pretend it was just like every other time...and then turning back around.

and then what olivia said...

reminds me of being pregnant with my savannah...all the dreams and ideals and confidence of how I was going to mother...and feeling more inept the older she gets.

this was so so took us all there with your words.

Krista said...

post something new already!!